Virtual Tour of TCC12’s Community Alley
Tableau’s popular online community has come to life at the 2012 Tableau Customer Conference in the form of Community Alley. Here’s the top 5 reasons to swing by Community Alley if you’re at TCC12 in San Diego this week. (Or, the top reasons not to miss out next year!) Let’s stroll.
Tableau’s popular online community has come to life at the 2012 Tableau Customer Conference in the form of Community Alley. Here’s the top 5 reasons to swing by Community Alley if you’re at TCC12 in San Diego this week. (Or, the top reasons not to miss out next year!) Let’s stroll.
#1: Networking
Community Alley is where you’ll find opportunities to connect with fellow attendees, show-off interesting things you’ve done with Tableau, sit down with Tableau tutors who can help out with quick questions, and hear how peers are turning their departments into innovation centers using Tableau. You can also pick up buttons for your badge to designate your industry and Tableau user level to serve as an ice-breaker when meeting a new Tableau friend.

#2: Community Lounge
Need a relaxed and casual area to take a load off? Stop by Community Lounge. You can chat with Tableau employees, rub elbows with Community VIPs, and re-energize before attending the next breakout session. Take a moment to set-up your online Tableau profile here also so you can keep the networking going even when you head back to the office.

#3: Photo Booth
Who doesn’t love a photo booth with props? Here’s a sneak preview of the photo fun so far. Visit the legendary photo booth to participate before you head home from TCC12.

#4: Tableau Time Machine
See the progression of Tableau through the years at our Tableau Time Machine station. Each laptop showcases a Tableau software version between Tableau 1 and 7.

#5: Tableau Store
Tableau Store is your ticket to the most data-licious threads and gear in town. We talked about the Tableau Store goodies here and you can also purchase items online in our store

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