Exploring TC Data at Tableau Data Experience
This week’s Tableau Conference has had many highlights, including the launch of our new app Vizable, a flash mob, and an Elviz parade (because Vegas). But of course, the analytics conference of the year wouldn’t be complete without a playground for data exploration. And that’s why we introduced the Tableau Data Experience this year.
So what is Tableau Data Experience? It’s a playground where attendees can dive into visualizations about conference data. The vizzes show where attendees traveled from, how the sessions break down by tracks, and which hashtag is getting the most tractions at TC (hooray, #datapluswomen!).
Our developers are on hand to ask questions about making the most out of Tableau. Attendees can also try their hand at Whack-a-Mole. The game helps us identify bugs in the software so we can fix them before they hinder your exploration in the wild.
Are you with us at TC? Be sure to check out the Tableau Data Experience in the Expo Hall.
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