Can't miss customer sessions at TCC
TCC is kind of like Disneyland…but better. There’s an overwhelming amount of incredible rides (sessions) and it’s nearly impossible which to choose with a finite amount of time. With more than 280 sessions being offered at TCC this week, there’s no shortage of great sessions to choose from, and that can get a little overwhelming.
TCC is kind of like Disneyland…but better. There’s an overwhelming amount of incredible rides (sessions) and it’s nearly impossible which to choose with a finite amount of time. With more than 280 sessions being offered at TCC this week, there’s no shortage of great sessions to choose from, and that can get a little overwhelming.
Luckily for you, I’ve had the pleasure of listening to a majority of the customer sessions over the past few weeks and today I’m going to share a snippet of that inside information. So you can think of me as your friendly tour guide, providing a few suggestions from past experience.
While the Customer Stories track is, of course, full of well-known names like Linkedin, Mozilla, Redbox, Tesla Motors, Sony Playstation, General Electric, Verizon and Dell, there are also smaller names that have an equally big story to share. These are stories such as:

Audience Audit – This is the story of how one woman quadrupled her marketing agency’s net revenue while slashing her prices, which made her available to a much broader range of clients because of how efficient Tableau made her. Susan Baier will give insight to the market research she’s conducting and how you can optimize that type of analysis using Tableau.
South Carolina Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy – Ever heard of shows like 16 & Pregnant or Teen Mom? Those are just the types of stories that the South Carolina Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy is trying to reduce. This is an excellent session for beginners and anyone interested in the realm of non-profits. Jordan Slice and team will show how they use Tableau to analyze teen pregnancy rates in different counties across South Carolina in order to better allocate their limited resources.
International Game Technology – Slot machines in Sin City – need I say more? Lon O’Donnell dives deep into the world of Vegas gambling and discusses how the industry leader in gaming technology uses Tableau to visualize every piece of gaming technology in Las Vegas.
Serco – This session presents ideas and techniques that even Jedis will appreciate! Nelson Davis will share how his organization is using Tableau to do advanced geo-spatial analysis, filtering and blending in asset management for his government clients. Come hear from a master Tableau user whose work in Tableau made even our team ooh and aah.
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