April Viz Roundup
Premier League Injuries by Body Part
Matt Francis uses some custom polygon wizardry to create the unique interaction in the viz documenting injuries in the Premier League. Click on a body part on the footballer to see who injured that part.
Annual Blood Alcohol Content Patterns (US)
BACtrack looks at the annual patterns of blood alcohol content (BAC) in the US. Click on the image to view the viz, and hover your mouse over month to see the average daily consumption.
Turing Awards, 1966-2013
Alexander Mou of Vizible Difference visualizes the historical winners of the Turing Award, computer science's most prestigious award. Click on the photos of the winners to learn more about them.

The Rise of the Middle Class
CNBC's John Schoen visualizes the current and projected state of the middle class in different countries around the world. Use the slider on the top to switch the year from 2013 to 2030.

European Views on Immigration
Europaportalen visualizes each European country's views on immigration. Click the screenshot to view the viz, then click the filter bubbles to see how views differ between intra-EU immigration and immigration from countries outside of Europe (Swedish).

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