Community Updates
We’re always working to make it easier for Tableau users to connect with one another, which means you might have noticed some updates recently on our Community site (Forums, Groups, Ideas and Viz Talk). If you haven't yet checked these places out or are unfamiliar with them, essentially this is where users can go to ask/answer questions, show-off interesting things they've done with Tableau, or join groups and connect with other users in their area.
We’re always working to make it easier for Tableau users to connect with one another, which means you might have noticed some updates recently on our Community site (Forums, Groups, Ideas and Viz Talk). If you haven't yet checked these places out or are unfamiliar with them, essentially this is where users can go to ask/answer questions, show-off interesting things they've done with Tableau, or join groups and connect with other users in their area.
Below is a quick list of some of the more visible improvements and fixes we recently implemented.
Notifications are Here!
Joining a Tableau Community Group is a great way to network with other Tableau users. Accepting an invitation to a group is even easier now with the introduction of notifications. Whenever you have a pending invite to a group you'll be able to easily see and accept it without having to leave the site.
The Forums are Red Hot
Check out what forum topics are most active and who has most recently responded. The newly added latest activity information on the Forums main page lets you know which topics are a buzz and who is asking questions or dishing out the Tableau knowledge.
Group Chatter
We had a lot of feedback that responding to discussions inside of a group was clunky so we've cleaned up the dialogue making it easier to join conversations.
On the To-Do List
A big thank you to all the Community members who have gotten a hold of us and given feedback on the things they like about the Community pages as well as areas they think can be improved (big and small). Keep it comin’! We've made lots of other small fixes and are continuing to do so. Because of the responses we have received, we’re in the midst of looking at how we can improve the navigation of the Ideas section as well as expand Community profile settings. Another big request we're still looking at is easily moving Forum threads to the Ideas section (as well as the other way around). This change is more involved than it might seem, but it's definitely on the list.
As always, we love hearing from you so don't be shy. Any and all Community feedback can be sent directly to me:
Dustin Smith -

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