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  • Business Intelligence
  • K-12 Student Achievement

Five Dashboards Improving Student Achievement

The state of education continues to be one of the most notable challenges citizens and educators in the United States face today. Despite recent incremental improvements in the national dropout rate...

  • Business Analytics

Sales Performance Data's Impact on Managerial Decisions

Performance data are essential to managing sales organizations; without accurate data, management’s decision-making effectiveness is crippled. This research examines when, where, and how managers...

  • Industry Analysts

Empowering Government Agency Leaders with Self-Service Data Visualization

What do Pixar, the creators of the animated films "Toy Story" and "Up!," and the Department of Defense have in common? One thing: both organizations know how to harness the power of visualization....

Hardware Planning and Server Configuration for Enterprise Tableau Deployments

Tableau Server is easy to install and configure yet has many features that can add complexity to deployments. This white paper aims to provide guidance and best practices for mission-critical...

  • Business Intelligence

A Guide to Scaling Tableau Server for Self-Service Analytics

Business intelligence is a mission-critical function for the modern organization. The more accessible your organization makes self-service analytics, the more users in your organization will be...

Fine Tuning for Performance: How Culture and the Right Analytics Drive Success for Leading Organizations in Asia and The Pacific

Self-service analytics is helping information workers everywhere identify new insights that improve their businesses. In the past two or three years, we’re seeing an increasing number of Tableau...

  • Industry Analysts
  • Business Intelligence

The Critical Role of the IT Group in Self-Service Analytics

Agile decision-making, aided by self-service analytics software, is improving organizational performance at leading organizations around the world. Yet, many IT groups still see the rise of self-...

  • Industry Analysts
  • Business Intelligence

Analytics in the Cloud: An EMA Report

Cloud-based analytics and BI strategies are more important to businesses than ever. To determine the status of Analytics and Business Intelligence in the Cloud, Enterprise Management Associates (EMA...

  • Data Visualization

Interactive Data Visualization: The Age of "Look But Don't Touch" Is Over

Static data visualization had its time in the sun. Now, Aberdeen Group's research demonstrates the superior business performance of organizations that have taken their visuals to the next level....

  • Working with Data

Make Everyone in Your Organization A Data Scientist

Data visualization gives key decision makers the ability to see patterns such as sales trends, customer buying habits, or production bottlenecks -- and respond accordingly. And data visualization...