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Tableau Server 2023.1.8
We recommend using the newest maintenance release of this version, which contains additional fixes.
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Resolved Issues
Issue ID | Description |
W-14070829 Extract Refreshes using Snowflake Virtual Connections fail in Tableau Server 2023.1.4 and 2023.1.5 with the following error: com.tableausoftware.server.status.reporting.TableauRuntimeException: Extract Service returns the status of the extract command with id: bxxxxxx-exxx-4xxx-9xxx-9xxxxxxxxx, with message: Error happened when extract table axxxxxx-1xxx-4xxxxxx-3xxxxxxxxx, as FAILED, in the task: null. |
W-14212909 Running Virtual Connection extracts fail for OAuth connectors and Google Big Query after token expired with error, "com.tableausoftware.server.status.reporting.TableauRuntimeException: OAuth access token expired." |
W-13483849 When running a flow on Tableau Server, an incorrect table name in the output database may be created when using a dynamic output parameter. |
W-14508592 Addressed issue in Messaging Service. |
W-14302414 When exporting a site from Tableau Server, the export could fail with "Error: insert or update on table 'user_default_customized_views' violates foreign key constraint". This would fail when a custom view has been saved with the option, "Make it my default". |
W-14139863 Data sources based on Web Data Connector 2.0 (WDC 2.0) failed to refresh even after upgrading to the version released in August of 2023. |
W-13073139 Sometimes using "tsm maintenance send-logs" would not send the log files to the Tableau Support case. |
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