Daniel Caroli: Responsive Design in Tableau

"So you’ve watched Curtis Harris’ video on Tableau layout containers, you’re no longer team float, and you’re comfortable with vertical & horizontal containers. Your dashboards are pixel perfect. Awesome. And as everyone agrees, you always want to avoid the dreaded tiled container object. Or do you?  What if it does have a use that relates to responsive web design and isn’t just there to make your dashboard hierarchy untidy? But before we explore tiled containers, what is responsive web design? It’s defined by w3 schools as:

…using HTML and CSS to automatically resize, hide, shrink, or enlarge a website, to make it look good on all devices (desktops, tablets, and phones):

Before we go into this in more detail, this does not recreate “true” responsive design in Tableau. We won’t be able to make charts and objects change position with the browser window, and we can’t get fonts to scale. But this does go some way towards responsive design."


To read Daniel Caroli's full blog post, click here.