Business is better when you Tableau it.

Data is vital for driving your business forward.

But inefficient processes and a lack of alignment across your organisation can hold you back. When insights are missed, decisions are delayed and growth slows.

To unleash the power of your people, you must fix outdated processes and create a culture that empowers employees to analyse data with clarity and confidence.

So, from here on, let’s Tableau it.

Quality conversations start with Tableau

When you use Tableau to cut through the noise, you spark quality conversations. Conversations that make people curious. Conversations that get people excited. Conversations that get people moving.

When your people have quality conversations, that’s when you see transformation.

Build understanding. Tableau it.

Lufthansa's employees communicate better with data, improving autonomy and team alignment

  • There’s a shared source of truth paired with a set of uniform standards
  • Speed to insight has accelerated by 30%
  • Lufthansa now has a competitive advantage
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Lufthansa brings everyone onboard its shared vision.

Global aviation group, Lufthansa, is a data-driven travel company. But as the business expanded, its lack of a uniform analytics platform became apparent. Each department in the 550 subsidiaries and associated companies had their own reporting system. Internal conversations became disjointed and preparing data took longer than analysing it. So, Lufthansa began searching for a group-wide solution. It needed to empower employees to work independently and build a solution that enabled self-service analytics and data exploration.

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Empower performance. Tableau it.

Charles Schwab helps employees achieve more at every level of the organization, enhancing the customer experience and reducing risk

  • Internal community empowers employees to succeed, sharing questions, advice and best practice
  • Analysing client activity and identifying outreach opportunities improves customer experience
  • Clear actionable insights increases autonomy and drive the business forward
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Charles Schwab equips employees to achieve.

Data is fundamental to operations at Charles Schwab Corporation, one of the largest publicly traded Financial Services firms based on client assets. With interest in Tableau growing organically in every corner of the organisation, Charles Schwab needed a new model to provide thousands of employees access to the data and insights they needed. So, it created a more transparent system, offering a Tableau licence to all who wanted it. Within 18 months, Tableau users doubled, around half of all employess interact with data daily, and conversations have flourished.

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Spark initiative. Tableau it.

Uniper cuts time to insight by 50 percent and drives profits in excess of €50 million a year

  • Employees are better informed, better prepared, and able to capitalise on changing market conditions at incredibly short notice
  • Better insights and decisions boost revenues, and helps foster a data-driven culture amongst employees
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Uniper enables employees to quickly access vital data and drive the business forward.

As one of the largest energy generation and trading companies in Europe, Uniper relies on real-time data analysis. Until 2018, the Düsseldorf-based organisation was heavily dependent on its IT department for all its data analysis needs. The nature of its complex data warehouse meant that reporting was inefficient and expensive. This drawn-out process created a disconnect between vital data insights and those that needed them. So, Uniper embarked on a mission to build a single, scalable platform to extract maximum value from their new data lake.

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Strengthen accountability. Tableau it.

Huel puts data at the heart of the organisation, so employees can make decisions with speed and clarity

  • Deeper customer understanding improves customer experience and loyalty
  • Agile, data-driven decision-making fuels maximum marketing and sales impact
  • Data skills are central to talent development, driving momentum behind data-driven strategy
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Huel fosters a culture of value and accomplishment.

Huel offers a nutritionally complete food that’s both affordable and convenient, with minimal impact on the environment. It’s sold more than 100 million meals in over 100 countries since its launch. Although it has a modern approach to the food and retail industry, analysis was taking too long and demanding too much effort. So, Huel integrated Tableau with Snowflake, providing all employees access to the data they needed to find insights and make confident decisions. Now, data-driven decision making scales in line with data and business growth.

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Want to ensure your organisation is harnessing the benefits of being data-driven?

Transform your business. Tableau it.

To learn more about how we can help your organisation drive better conversations, better decisions, and better business outcomes, fill out the form below.

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