Say hello to Tableau Cloud

Learn how to use your site in a few easy steps

Get to know your site

This guide introduces you to shared data, dashboards, and insights with Tableau Cloud. We'll cover the interface, how to publish and share your analytics, and where to find more resources.

Navigate your site

Take a quick tour. Learn how to navigate your new site and see how content is organized in Tableau Cloud.

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Publish workbooks

Publish analytics to your site. Publishing content to Tableau Cloud allows you to share live data and interactive dashboards created in Tableau Desktop, while ensuring your data remains up-to-date and secure.

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Manage users and content

You’ve published a workbook—nice! Now it's time to share your analytics. Before people can view your work, you need to add them to your Tableau Cloud site.

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Share views and subscribe to updates

With colleagues added to your site, you can now share data and dashboards. You can also set up subscriptions to receive automatic email updates for workbooks.

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Keep data fresh

Learn how to manage your data. Whether connecting live or refreshing extracts, Tableau works with all your data and helps you easily keep it fresh in the cloud.

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