Interacting with Visualization on Mobile Devices

Mobile Data Visualization (CRC Press, 2021)

A chapter in Mobile Data Visualization. Edited By Bongshin Lee, Raimund Dachselt, Petra Isenberg, Eun Kyoung Choe.

Chapter abstract: We are now capable of interacting in various ways with data visualization on mobile devices. In this chapter, we characterize how interacting with visualization using a mobile phone or tablet differs from analogous experiences using a PC. We provide an overview of the topic organized by interaction modality, beginning with touch interaction and subsequently discussing instances of spatial interaction and voice interaction. As an outlook, we envision compelling opportunities for future mobile data visualization research inspired by recent  developments in the field of mobile human-computer interaction.

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Bongshin Lee, John Stasko, Christian Tominski

Tableau Author(s)

Matt Brehmer