Product release and download

Tableau Server 2022.1.10

We recommend using the newest maintenance release of this version, which contains additional fixes.

Download Tableau Server 2022.1.10 Download latest version (Recommended)

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This version of Tableau has been removed due to an issue with Web Data Connectors.

After May 2023, fixed defects will no longer be posted here and can be found at[sfcategoryfull]=Tableau selecting the Status = Solution Deployed.

Resolved Issues

Issue ID Description

After a shutdown of a VM, the Data Server and the Flow Processor became unlicensed and no users could log in. The FNP License Service will now start up before the Tableau Server License Manager on boot up of the VM.


When connecting to amazon EMR Hadoop Hive, the following error is flagged when dragging a table to the flow pane, "The flow can't run due to a critical error: System error: null".


When the data connection is changed from live to extract, an error could occur stating "Error Resources exceeded during query execution: Not enough resources for query planning - too many subqueries or query is too complex."


An unexpected error would occur stating "Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression" when using " " in the data source name.


Custom date format could change from AM/PM to A0/P0.


After an upgrade to Tableau Server 2022.1.7 or later, a high sustained CPU usage caused by Hyper may result in Tableau Server becoming inaccessible. Please see this Tableau Knowledge article for more information on versions affected.


A published data source could show the wrong data in Ask Data and Web Authoring due to the data sources having the same name but differing in case.

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Build number


Release date

Thu, 15 December, 2022

Installation Guide
Install and Configure Tableau Server

Planning to upgrade?
Tableau Server Upgrade Page