
Christine Carmichael, Marketing Leader, Government and Education at Tableau Software




  • 让整个组织使用自助服务仪表板
  • 选择与目标直接相连的可度量记分卡指标
  • 访问和利用适时数据
  • 在内部和外部共享数据可视化,实现真正的协作

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所有级别的政府领导者都知晓,提升绩效和运作效率的需求在迅速增长。 《政府绩效与结果现代化法案》(GPRA) 和《数字责任和透明度法》(DATA) 中新要求的通过令政府和公共部门组织急于构建更为智能的基础架构。



那决策制定者如何根据其使命跟踪项目绩效成果和费用? 具备了依赖适时信息的能力,组织如何以此建立井然有序的项目监控方式? 在日益复杂的技术环境中,这些信息如何传达给所有选民和民众?

同大多数组织一样,政府机构习惯于借助静态报告从企业应用程序访问数据,这些应用程序往往庞大而复杂,同时缺乏灵活性,必须由 IT 部门进行管理。 其后果是,许多知识工作者依赖电子表格作为其主要的分析工具。 问题是,电子表格无法向领导者、决策制定者或现场工作人员及时提供具有意义或者可据以行动的见解。

只有在人们能够及时理解并传达见解,从而采取相应行动时,以数据为主导的决策才会起作用。 此外,当今的员工在互联网和社交媒体的陪伴下长大,不愿意耗费数月时间等待 IT 部门生成新报告。 这些员工不愿意为了回答重要问题而随身携带成堆文件以及浏览大量表格。 政府是时候采用新方法来进行绩效管理了。

本文概述了市级、州/省/市/自治区级和联邦级组织如何提升数据见解,从而将行动速度加快 10 到 100 倍。

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Christine Carmichael

Marketing Leader, Government and Education at Tableau Software

Christine Carmichael is Marketing Segment Manager of the Public Sector Group at Tableau Software. She has a widely accomplished sales and marketing career in both government and education sectors.

With more than 25 years of experience in the high tech industry, Carmichael has a proven record of cultivating strategic business plans for technology companies with Public Sector missions. She spent 16 years as a senior public sector executive at SAS Institute, and most recently joined Tableau Software after leading the public sector marketing program for Massachusetts-based Kronos, Inc. Upon joining the Tableau Software team in early 2014, Carmichael was charged with developing business plans and strategies to help Tableau better serve public sector markets across the globe and to expand the company’s rapidly growing footprint for data discovery and visual analytics in the government and education space.

Carmichael graduated from North Carolina State University in 1987 with degrees in both Business Management and Economics. In 1992 she received her Master’s degree in Business Administration from Meredith College.