Get Tableau Prep FAQ

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Tableau Prep is the visual, direct and smart way to clean and shape your data for analysis. As a benefit of being on an active subscription licence or current maintenance, as of 24 April 2018, Tableau Desktop Professional users will have courtesy access to Tableau Prep through their Portals. After launch, Tableau Prep will be available to customers as part of a Creator Licence purchase. You must use a Tableau Prep or Tableau Creator key; your existing Tableau Desktop key will not work with Tableau Prep.

How do I, or my licensed Desktop Professional users, get access to Tableau Prep?

Customers with Tableau Desktop Professional licences (current maintenance or subscription as of 24 April 2018) will be given a 2-year licence for Tableau Prep (ends 30 June 30) at the time of launch via their Portal.

Users will have 30 days with Tableau Prep before a product key is required. Download Prep now.

Contact your Tableau administrator or IT department to get your key.

If I'm a licence administrator, how do I distribute the new Tableau Prep keys to users that qualify?

  1. Log into your Customer Portal and go to "All Keys Report"
  2. You will find a Tableau Prep key in each qualifying portal account
  3. Distribute to existing Desktop Professional users with current maintenance

Check out this video to learn how to find and distribute keys.

Why can't I see the Tableau Prep key in the Customer Portal?

Only Customer Portal licence administrators can see Tableau Prep keys. Please contact your administrator and request the key. In the meantime, you have 30 days with Tableau Prep before you’ll need to enter a product key. Download Tableau Prep now.

What version of Tableau Desktop is Tableau Prep compatible with?

Tableau Prep is compatible with Tableau Desktop 10 or newer. Prep will output file types of .tde, .hyper and .csv

More information about Tableau Prep compatibility.

What resources are available to help get started with Tableau Prep?

The following learning resources will help you start prepping your data with Tableau Prep.

Still have questions?

For questions regarding the Customer Portal or licence keys, email

For issues or questions with downloads or key activation, contact technical support.