Montclare Names Tableau One of Top 20 SaaS Companies
We’re thrilled that Montclare has named Tableau as one of the top 20 SaaS companies in the world!
Tableau earned the 20th spot in the Montclare SaaS 250 report. The research firm evaluated more than a thousand companies on 60 data points across 10 categories. Data points included solution types, innovation, and R&D spend. (Learn more about the methodology.)
We here at Tableau have invested heavily in Tableau Online, which integrates easily with platforms like Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure. Tableau users can also connect to cloud data sources like Amazon Redshift and all kinds of web data.
We often hear from our customers who've experienced the agility that comes with going cloud. Take Tempero, for instance. The London-based social media management company uses Tableau Online to deliver interactive reports to clients and collaborate in a meaningful way.
“They log on. They play with the data. It’s actually resulted in something that's more like a conversation around the data,” says Michael Conroy, Tempero’s head of Insight and Innovation.
Here's Michael's two-minute recap of Tempero's journey from static reports:
Cloud analytics is a fast-moving space, and there’s still plenty of work to do. We’re excited to continue innovating in this space in 2016. But for now, we’re off to share a toast. Happy cloud analytics, everyone!
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