Full House: Top 7 Vizzes of September
From blackjack to IPOs to cell phone networks, September has seen a run of outstanding vizzes. Here are our favorites.
From blackjack to IPOs to cell phone networks, September has seen a run of outstanding vizzes. Here are our favorites.
- Where to Play Blackjack - Ready for the Tableau Customer Conference? Alex Kerin shows you where to get the best blackjack odds in Vegas.
- Public Data Viz Contest Steve Wexler wins our Public Data Viz Contest and a trip to the Tableau Customer Conference with his viz of STDs, HIV and AIDS in Texas. Steve will be competing against Business and Sports Viz contest winners Alex Kerin and David Newman in the Iron Viz Contest in Vegas. Get your conference tickets now so you can see who takes home wins the Grand Prize, $2000 and an iPad2.
- Brazil booms - Brazil and other emerging markets have been booming. Find out the effects of foreign capital in this Wall Street Journal viz.
- Tech IPOs - Thinking about taking your tech company public? After reading Kevin Kelleher's story at Fortune, and playing around with his viz, you might want to reconsider.
- Poll Bias - Chip Patterson is keeping college football honest with his viz looking at
who overrates and who underrates teams in the AP Weekly Poll. - Fast Networks - Is your cell phone contract up? Check out Patrick Linder's viz of network speeds experienced by users before signing up for another two years.
- Job Creation - Glenn Kessler from the Washington Post fact checks job creation claims made by Governor Perry and former Governors Romney and Huntsman from the GOP debate at the Reagan library.
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