Destination Data Countdown: Favorite Things About Seattle—Style
We know the first thing you think of when you think of Seattle is our killer fashion style.
We live in a land best known for fleece and flannel; “grunge” was the “fashion” movement that put Seattle on the scene. On any given day you’ll see more Keens and Merrels than Jimmy Choos or Louboutins. Going out to a nice restaurant (Oh, what? We did a blog on where to eat in Seattle? We sure did.)? There’s good money you’ll still see some North Face fleece there—but hey, maybe someone wore their “nice” fleece instead of their “everyday” fleece.
But then in walks Nate Vogel. Nate’s the Director of Sales Readiness and isn’t afraid to ask how you like his outfit when he first walks into a room. Compliments are never wasted on him. His look can go from preppy, to serious, to sporty, in the span of a week.

When Nate’s not on the cutting edge of the Seattle fashion scene, changing the image of the tech world one data geek at a time, he and his team are working hard at Tableau building up a world-class sales organization and providing training and development. In Nate’s own words: “Our sales teams take great care of their customers—well, my customers are all the sales teams of Tableau. I work for them!”
Take a look at Nate’s top 8 shopping spots in Seattle. Let us know what your favorites are, if we missed any, and, of course, what you’re planning to wear to the Tableau Conference.
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