Connect Directly to Amazon Aurora
We are pleased to announce a new database connector to Amazon Aurora as part of our 9.0.4 release.
Amazon Aurora is a MySQL-compatible database engine built by the Amazon Web Services team to meet the transactional database needs of today's organizations. Aurora takes unique advantage of Amazon's scalable cloud infrastructure, and as a result, it is five times faster than traditional MySQL databases. Aurora is also designed to be fault-tolerant. It replicates data into three locations, making it highly available right out of the box.
For Tableau users, this means a faster, cheaper, fully-managed, web-scalable transactional database that you can interact with seamlessly using Tableau Desktop, Tableau Server, and Tableau Online. Leveraging Tableau's new direct connector for Amazon Aurora allows anyone to visually analyze data at the speed of thought against live data in the AWS Cloud.

You can learn more about Amazon Aurora by visiting its newly updated Amazon Web Services page.
Be sure to also checkout Jeff Barr's Amazon Aurora launch post on the AWS Blog for additional details.
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