Great decisions come from great conversations

How can you see a positive impact on your business conversations? Leaders say it’s data.

YouGov, an independent global public opinion company surveyed over 1,900 leaders across nine countries including Australia, Singapore & Japan.


Great decisions come from great conversations

How can you see a positive impact on your business conversations? Leaders say it’s data.

YouGov, an independent global public opinion company surveyed over 1,900 leaders across nine countries including Australia, Singapore & Japan.


APJ businesses that use data are > 2X
more likely to see positive changes in business conversations


of APJ businesses use more data in business conversations since the pandemic


of business leaders say data delivers credibility and attention during business conversations

"Data when brought together with context and conversation, translates into powerful insights that would have otherwise gone unnoticed. It paves the way for teams to iterate on each others’ ideas."

- Christian Hauville, Regional eCommerce Director, Levi Strauss & Co

Are you having quality conversations?

Businesses that use data more frequently and across their organisation are having better conversations

What happens when you empower more people in your organization with analytics?

Origin Energy builds trust in data with a single source of truth.


Being data-driven opens new revenue streams

Zalora’s data-driven culture enables them to tap on data analytics to help brand partners react to changing consumer behaviour during the pandemic.

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"Data-driven insights are the keys to unlocking new efficiencies and improving outcomes. These are the building blocks of a quality conversation. I have given my team the challenge of completely exiting static reporting. If we can’t present our work through automated dashboards, we are not delivering on our commitment to ensure our accounts are highly digitally-enabled."

- Jonathan Hassett, Executive Director, Work Dynamics, JLL

Explore the results of the YouGov survey in Tableau Public Visual

Business conversations have changed forever and leaders are at a crossroad today to improve conversations in the workplace and drive better decision making, Dive into what our research has revealed and how you can be the catalyst of change for your organization.