Der Download wurde entfernt, da beim Upgrade auf diese Version von bestimmten früheren Versionen Probleme aufgetreten sind. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Bekanntes Problem.
Produktversion und Download
Tableau Server 2023.1.14
Wir empfehlen die Nutzung des neuesten Wartungsupdates dieser Version, das zusätzliche Korrekturen enthält.
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Behobene Probleme
Problem-Nr. | Beschreibung |
W-15749529 Data loss after the incremental refresh of a scheduled flow. When a flow scheduled by a linked task is run only the rows that are new since the previous run are output to the data source. The rows that existed before this run were lost. Since incremental refresh is configured for the flow, the new rows should be appended to existing rows rather than overwriting them. |
W-15837471 Initializing tsm after installing Tableau Server on RHEL 8.10 or greater fails with the following error: Error: The version of this Linux distribution is not supported ('rhel 8.10') This issue occurs because this is the first time the minor version of a Linux release has gone into double digits. A note on containers: Deploying a container that uses UBI (Universal Base Image) 8 will encounter this issue, as the latest version will contain the .10 update. |
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