More ways to visualize your data
Easily show your discrete data analysis with step and jump lines. Build multi-layered maps by combining custom and generated latitude and longitudes. Refresh your saved clustering results and use them in different sheets.

Step and Jump Lines
Make your discrete data analysis more powerful with step and jump lines. Easily change line types with one click to visualize changes in discrete values, bringing life to account balance data, inventory level data, interest rates, and much more.

Dual-axis mapping improvement
Combine custom and generated latitudes and longitudes within a dual axis. Now you can build multilayered maps to visualize and analyze your spatial data with ease.

Additional clustering functionality
Saved clustering results are no longer static, letting you use clustering analysis in more places. You can use saved clusters in different sheets, and clusters now update when data is refreshed.

Improved hierarchy filtering
Tableau's filters now match the hierarchies in your data. Enjoy a more effective filtering experience, as well as improvements in hierarchy filter query performance.

Analytic object guidance
Better understand when analytical objects are available based on the state of your viz. Disabled analytic objects now give guidance on how to update your viz to get them.

Viz in tooltip improvements
You can now hide the sheets used for Viz in Tooltips, the same way you would for sheets used in Stories or Dashboards.