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Tableau Prep 2022.3.1

We raden aan om de nieuwste onderhoudsrelease van deze versie te gebruiken, want deze bevat oplossingen voor bepaalde fouten.

Download Tableau Prep 2022.3.1 De nieuwste versie downloaden (aanbevolen)

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Tableau Prep is niet beschikbaar voor mobiele apparaten. Meld je aan vanaf een desktopcomputer om te downloaden.

Starting in September, 2023, fixed defects can be found on this site. Additional defect information is available at[sfcategoryfull]=Tableau.

Opgeloste problemen

Probleem-ID Beschrijving

A warning could occur stating, "One or more input files aren't in your organization's safe list" when publishing a flow or configuring "*" to allow all paths for input.


Prep Builder would not allow connecting to a virtual connection but would allow connection from Tableau Prep on the Web.


"System error: [SQLSTATE:42P21] collation mismatch between implicit collations 'root' and 'ja' in set operation" could occur running a flow.


A Tableau Prep flow could fail to refresh the access token on Tableau Server using Snowflake OAuth with Private Link.


Prep Builder could crash when removing a connection.


When attempting to run a flow in Online, the following error would sometimes occur, "[SQLSTATE:53S01] The query exceeded the CPU usage limit of 5500 seconds"


Prep would sometimes not read Oracle Data Source Names from ODBC Data Source Administrator.


When renaming a field with the toolbar set to "Show List VIew", the entire field would be removed from the flow if the delete key was used in editing the name.


Publishing data roles to projects with locked permissions would sometimes result in an error.


The OneDrive and SharePoint Online connector could have data missing from the site listing result.

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Do, 17 november, 2022