Iron Viz Water: Vote for Crowd Favorite
The submission window for Iron Viz Water is now closed, and all the entries are in. We asked you to create your best vizzes on the topic of “Water”, and this resulted in 78 swell vizzes!
Over the next few days, our panel of judges will review and score every single viz in order to select a winner out of these wonderful creations. In the meantime, we welcome you to dive into the list of entries below, and to help us select a “Crowd Favorite”. Here is how it works:
- Click on an image below to view the interactive viz.
- Click the star button in the top-right to "favorite" those vizzes that you deem worthy of the crowd favorite title. If prompted, log in with your Tableau Public credentials.
- The Tableau Public team will tally all the favorites before close of business on Wednesday, September 5th.
No matter the outcome of the votes, all participants should be proud of their work. If you want to share your viz on social media, you can download this image to overlay on top of your viz screenshot.
Stay tuned for the announcement of the winner!
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