온디맨드 웨비나

Introduction to Advanced eLearning: Turning the Tables with Advanced Calculations and Set Actions

발표자 소개


Eli Blankers

Senior Solution Engineer, Tableau

Eli Blankers is a Senior Solution Engineer at Tableau, partnering with customers to solve  technical problems and visualize their data.  Eli has been with Tableau since September 2015 and has nine years of selling software solutions and building client relationships.  As a Solution Engineer, Eli has had exposure to hundreds of different organizations across various industries and sizes with a broad range of enterprise systems and goals.


Zach Wright

Lead Solution Engineer, Tableau

Zach is an analyst at heart. After graduating from Cornell with a BS in Engineering, he worked for five years as a data and business intelligence analyst and architect. He has been with Tableau as a Solution Engineer for two years, helping Tableau users in San Francisco explore their data and discover insight.

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