Christina Gorga: The View Behind the Curtain: My Experience as a 2022 Iron Viz Judge
"Back in January, I was offered a chance with a mixture of Tableau Ambassadors, Visionaries, and other community leaders to be an Iron Viz judge. Given the timeline for vizzing landing shortly after the winter holiday season and in the midst of a busy time at work, I knew this would be a great way for me to contribute to this annual tradition without the undertaking of developing and creating an entry. Now that the Top 10 finalists have been announced, I wanted to write about my experience as a judge and some key takeaways I saw from this year’s feeder. More specifically, I wanted to share my summarized thoughts on my critique approach and trends/elements I saw in the entries I gave highest scores to during my process."
To read Christina Gorga's full blog post, head here.
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