Tableau Desktop 可以在 Windows 和 Mac 電腦上執行。

請在下方提供您的電子郵件,我們就會將試用版下載連結傳送給您。下次使用 (較大的) 電腦時只需按一下該連結即可。

Tableau Desktop 可以在 Windows 和 Mac 電腦上執行。

按一下下方的按鈕,我們就會將試用版下載連結傳送給您。下次使用 (較大的) 電腦時只需按一下該連結即可。

先別離開!您還有 3 個步驟要完成。

啟動試用版僅需 5 分鐘



1:15 分鐘

Click to download




請遵循提示安裝 Tableau

2:05 分鐘


按一下「繼續」,在安裝程式的引導下,遵循 5 個安裝提示進行安裝,直到安裝完成。



開啟 Tableau,接著填妥註冊表單

2:30 分鐘

Trial Registration

安裝完成後,按一下以開啟 Tableau Desktop。填妥試用版註冊表單並按一下「提交」以啟用您的免費試用版。


開始使用 Tableau Desktop


The Argusa team is made up of tableau certified consultants (desktop and server). We help our clients during the various steps of their data journey:
• Definition of the BI roadmap and the alignment of KPIs with strategic, architectural and data governance objectives
• Implementation of the BI roadmap:
a. Building a high performance data platform to run analytics: we combine Tableau with Exasol or Snowflake to achieve consistent performance on large datasets
b. DWH Automation: we use Wherescape to rapidly deliver and maintain a high quality data warehouse
c. Empowerment of knowledge workers: customised mix of Tableau implementation, coaching and training
d. Implementation of Artificial Intelligence systems and processes: we use DataRobot for a hassle-free development and deployment of state-of-art AI systems
• Formulation and implementation of a data governance strategy