Maximize Your Marketing Efforts with Google Analytics

Caleb Whitmore, Founder, Analytics Pros

If you've used Google Analytics before you know it gives you access to a lot of data. But you also know how overwhelming all that data can be. Read this whitepaper to learn how you can maximize your marketing efforts by using Google Analytics to measure and optimize each component of your website.

If you've ever wondered how people find your website, what they spend time on once they get there, or how you can turn more visitors and prospects into customers, then this paper is for you.


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Caleb Whitmore

Founder, Analytics Pros

Caleb Whitmore is a veteran user of Google Analytics (GA) and a frequent speaker and contributor to blogs covering all things GA. He is also co-author of the book Performance Marketing with Google Analytics and Founder/Chair of the GAUGE Google Analytics conferences.

Caleb is Founder of Analytics Pros, a Google Analytics Certified Partner providing specialized products, consulting, training, and support to agencies, start-ups and enterprise-level clients worldwide. Prior to this, Caleb built the Search & Analytics team at POP, a leading independent Interactive Agency and one of the first Google Analytics Authorized Consultancies.