Livre blanc

5 Best Practices for Telling Great Stories

Elissa Fink, Directrice générale du marketing, Tableau Software
Susan Moore, Author and Marketing Consultant

Learn the 5 best practices of how to use storytelling to gain your audience’s attention and commitment. Find out how to make your data presentations and reports more interesting, more dynamic and more effective. And see how easily and quickly you can build effective stories from the hidden marketing insights locked in your data.

If you:

  • wish you could engage your executive team and explain your marketing strategies and results better
  • need help explaining what your marketing team is doing and how you are generating bottom-line results
  • feel like you have solid theories about what’s happening in your markets but no easy way to prove your points
  • need to analyze mountains of data so you can understand how to improve your campaigns but have no time to do it

then this white paper will help! Based on one of the largest and most highly attended web seminars sponsored through the American Marketing Association, this white paper shares practical strategies for better storytelling and better communication.

Register today to learn how you can unlock the stories in your data and become a better marketing storyteller all through the power of visual analysis.

Brought to you by Tableau Software, the application that helps you transform your data into smart analytics via an easy drag-and-drop interface and powerful visual analysis capabilities.

About the authors


Elissa Fink

Directrice générale du marketing, Tableau Software

Elissa Fink est directrice générale du marketing chez Tableau Software. Forte de plus de 20 ans d'expérience, passés à aider les entreprises à améliorer leurs opérations marketing via des analyses de données appliquées, Elissa Fink a occupé des postes de direction dans le marketing, la stratégie d'entreprise, et la gestion et le développement produit.

Avant de rejoindre Tableau, elle a officié en tant que vice-présidente exécutive chez IXI Corporation, une société spécialisée dans l'information marketing. Elle a également occupé des postes de direction chez Tele Atlas, TopTier Software et Claritas, Inc. Elle a par ailleurs été chargée de la vente d'encarts publicitaires pour le Wall Street Journal. Elissa Fink est diplômée de l'Université de Santa Clara et détient un MBA en marketing et systèmes décisionnels de l'Université de Californie du Sud.

Susan Moore

Author and Marketing Consultant