Higher Education Analytics: Insight for Bright Futures

Tableau is the best thing that ever happened to us. We've spent 90 percent of our time on the data [and 10 percent on the tool]. We had a significant ROI.

In this video, you'll hear from:

  • Jon Boeckenstedt, Associate Vice President - Enrollment Policy & Planning, DePaul University
  • Ted Curran, Executive Director – Finance, Carnegie Mellon Tepper School of Business

“Being able to see quickly and easily how we're doing in our academic programs, our administrative programs and our research centers—and being able to see when things aren't aligned with plans—is critical,” Ted points out.

“What I love now is to be able to throw one chart up on the screen and have people say, ‘Aha, that's it. I see exactly what you're going for,’” Jon says.

Learn more about Tableau for higher education analytics.