#VizInReview: Share your favorite vizzes from 2016

What a year it’s been for data viz! All throughout the year, we’ve been amazed by the creativity we’ve seen from you, the Tableau community. Not only have you told a wide range of data stories, but you’ve done so in innovative ways that we never would have imagined.

What a year it’s been for data viz! All throughout the year, we’ve been amazed by the creativity we’ve seen from you, the Tableau community. Not only have you told a wide range of data stories, but you’ve done so in innovative ways that we never would have imagined.

To celebrate the new year, we’ve rounded up several vizzes that showcase the depth and breadth of the data stories you told in 2016.

But we know we’ve still hardly scratched the surface. We want to hear from you! Post your favorite viz from 2016 on Pinterest or Twitter by following three quick steps:

  1. Share your favorite viz from 2016 (yours or someone else's).
  2. Briefly explain why it's your favorite.
  3. Use #VizInReview in your post.

Check out our round-up below and view our Pinterest board for even more (including the vizzes that you share with us).

Adam McCann: An Analysis of the Beatles?

It's hard to believe it's been almost a year since Adam created this stunning viz. We love its use of color and custom shapes.

Neil Richards: Brexit Vote Breakdown

Neil has wowed us with several vizzes this year, not least of which is this compelling analysis of the Brexit referendum in June. It packs powerful insights into a single chart through its use of color, size, and tooltips.

Alexandria Duke: History of the Summer Olympics

This summer saw a impressive range of Olympic-themed vizzes. One of the standouts, Alexandria's creative viz showcases Tableau 10's new workbook formatting features. (It also won round two of the Tableau Torch Viz Contest—remember that?)

Judah Bausili: Pokémon Statistics

Who says data viz isn’t for kids? Eight-year-old Judah created this handy dashboard to analyze his Pokémon Go catches. We were impressed by both its interactivity and analytical depth. (If you have a future data rockstar on your hands, join our Data Kids community!)

Brit Cava: US Data Science Programs

Data education has been a hot topic in 2016. Likewise, tile maps have been widely talked about. Brit’s viz combines the two so elegantly!

Now, go share your favorite vizzes from 2016 on Twitter or Pinterest! We can't wait to see them.