The Tableau Doctor is in
A post from Jennifer Vaughan, Tableau Product Consultant, at the Tableau Customer Conference:
Tableau has a team of qualified Doctors on staff at TCC to diagnose your data symptoms and questions. During a 30 to 40 minute appointment, you will gain insights into your data with help of Tableau Developers, Technical Support Engineers, and product specialists.
A post from Jennifer Vaughan, Tableau Product Consultant, at the Tableau Customer Conference:
Tableau has a team of qualified Doctors on staff at TCC to diagnose your data symptoms and questions. During a 30 to 40 minute appointment, you will gain insights into your data with help of Tableau Developers, Technical Support Engineers, and product specialists.
Maybe you are stumped with a calculation prior to coming to the conference, or you saw a feature you want to integrate within a current workbook, Tableau Doctors are here to help you. You will leave with a lollipop and prescription in-hand, to help you see and understand your data!
To visit a Doctor, you can schedule an appointment at the conference registration desk or Doctor check-in desk on the 5th floor—Cobalt. Drop-ins are welcome. There is no limit to the number of doctor sessions you can schedule.
Office Hours:
Sunday – 4:00pm to 6:00 pm
Monday – 7:00am to 5:00 pm
Tuesday – 7:00am to 6:00pm
Wednesday – 7:00am to 6:00pm
Thursday – 7:00am to 1:00 pm
*Closed during keynote sessions

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