Best Practices for Deploying Collaborative BI

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Neil Raden, Principal Analyst - Hired Brains and author of Smart (Enough) Systems

This paper will show you how to navigate around the usual hurdles to deliver collaborative BI and collaborative analytics and will discuss:

  • How analyses are conducted and then how that information is used for collaboration and consensus
  • How organizations share interactive analysis with others and build analytic templates without the overhead and delay from IT development, test and production
  • How organizations are getting more than just BI specialists and hard-core analysts
  • How to find and qualify next generation BI tools that can scale, that can react in real-time and that are accessible via the web

Download this free whitepaper today. Written by Neil Raden, Co-founder of Smart (enough) Systems, LLC.

Sobre o autor

Neil Raden

Principal Analyst - Hired Brains and author of Smart (Enough) Systems