
Web Analytics - A Day a Month

Learn how you can improve your marketing analytics with this month-by-month strategic roadmap.

Start 2009 with a solid program for accelerating your web measurement and analysis efforts, including better understanding your visitors, optimizing your web site, and improving your marketing results.

In this free whitepaper, measurement and analysis guru Eric Peterson provides clear direction on a year’s worth of guidance covering:

  • Building dashboards, reports, and analysis that give you the facts for better decisions
  • Setting up a “Web Analytics 2.0” measurement environment
  • Sifting through mountains of website data to quickly find what matters most
  • Allocating staff and resources for maximum benefit
  • Reconciling different sources of data
  • Selecting vendors and improving vendor relationships

This whitepaper is a must-read for anyone responsible for data analysis and online optimization efforts, at any level in the organization and with any level of experience. Eric Peterson addresses many of the most common challenges companies face when working to leverage data from the online channel by providing an easy to use, month-by-month strategic roadmap for analytical and measurement success.