Analytics Extensions API

Extend Tableau calculations to dynamically include popular data science programming languages, tools and platforms and create integrations similar to Tableau’s integrations with TabPy and MATLAB.

Niveau van ondersteuning
Tableau Server, Tableau Cloud, Tableau Desktop

Supported By: Tableau Server: at least 2021.2 & Tableau Cloud

The Analytics Extensions API can be used to extend Tableau calculations to dynamically include popular data science programming languages and external tools and platforms. Use it to create integrations similar to Tableau’s integrations with TabPy and MATLAB. Analytics extensions can receive data from Tableau in real time and return it back after it has been scored, transformed, or augmented.


  • Add a new programming language as a calculation engine to Tableau
  • Call a web service directly from a calculation


Analytics extensions can receive data from Tableau in real time and return it back after it has been reshaped, transformed or augmented. This facilitates dynamic viz exploration.