Productivity Renovation: HomeRepair Works 6 Times More Efficiently with Fewer Staff

“It was a do or die decision. If we were not performing, we wouldn't have a business.”
-David Wilson, Managing Director, HomeRepair.
After ten years providing repair services through a major insurance client, HomeRepair faced a more competitive market.
HomeRepair needed to quickly understand its performance in areas such as timeliness and cost in order to defend its market position.
After implementing Tableau Server, HomeRepair has not just gained insight into its performance but also driven improvements. The company uses Tableau to identify and communicate priorities and has improved productivity despite maintaining a smaller staff.
“In the first month we measured how long it takes to do a certain type of job. The average was 96 days over the 100 jobs of that type we completed that month. Last month the average was 16 days—and we completed roughly 140 of that job type. So we are performing better, on larger job volumes, with fewer staff members.”
-Amanda McMullan, Director of Operations, HomeRepair.
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