
Population Health Management Summit

Are you an NHS leader, or Public Health practitioner working in Local Authorities with an interest in Population Health Management? NHS England and Improvement have been partnering with Outcomes Based Healthcare on the development of Population & Person Insights with the application of the “Bridges to Health” model.  What we are seeing with population segmentation is a move to provide a person centred approach to health outcomes. Historically patients' health outcomes have only been analysed once they become ill. Population segmentation underpins the aims of the “long term plan”. The data follows the patient across those organisations that provide care. The segmentation model allows us to understand various populations and conditions.

With the formation of Integrated Care Partnerships, ICS’s leaders will want to know:

  • How many of your population is currently healthy?
  • What kinds of people do I have in my groups eg frailty, diabetes?
  • What proportion of the population are in these segmentation groups?
  • What kinds of healthcare do they need?
  • What treatments have already been provided?
  • What kind of healthcare outcomes are these patients experiencing?
  • How fast do patients transition from healthy to unwell?
  • How can we maintain a healthy-well population?
  • What are the triggers for a healthy well population to become unhealthy?

In this Summit you will learn how Population Health Management is supporting the NHS long term plan and health economic modelling. You will learn how descriptive analytics and insights are being developed alongside predictive analytics and the types of healthcare that will be needed in the future both Nationally and Regionally. Hear from our key opinion leaders about Population Health Management from an international, national and integrated care perspective. If you are passionate about improving health outcomes then this summit is a must.


Population Health Management Summit Agenda

Johns Hopkins ACG System
Outcomes Based Healthcare
Tableau and Interworks
Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership
NHS England and Improvement


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