Faster Decisions to Slow Down Viral Infections and Disesases
What could be better than an organization devoted to developing vaccine treatment strategies for chronic and emerging viral infections?
An organization that does all of the above, faster.
Research teams at French government-funded technology research organization, Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique (CEA), explore data on infections and diseases such as AIDS, influenza, dengue and Chikungunya to do just this.
After hearing about Tableau through a colleague he followed on Twitter, CEA Research Scientist, Antonio Cosma, did what any other researcher would do: he studied up on Tableau as a solution and concluded that it was exactly what CEA needed to visualize its data.
Working together with Tableau partner Mydral, CEA has standardized Tableau in its Life Sciences division to streamline the reporting analysis and accelerate the decision making process.

Yup.Seems Legit.
“We are dealing with huge volumes of data as part of our viral infection research. Tableau makes that volume of big data transparent. It answers questions immediately, combining data exploration and visualization in one easy-to-use application that anyone on the team can learn quickly,” says Cosma.
Read the full case study here.
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