Surveys You Should Know About
Ever wonder where all that data comes from to fuel the surveys that are regularly published? It comes from the users, supporters and enthusiasts like you who have an opinion and want to be heard. The challenge is that there are so many opportunities to participate it is sometimes hard to choose which survey to answer; where your voice will be heard the loudest.
Some of the surveys send participants the results, like the Mobile one below, some help earn a vote of support, like the SQL Server one, but they all register an opinion and allow you a voice in the market. We will publish the results of most of the surveys where we are mentioned. On a regular basis we are going to keep you apprised of the current surveys in which to participate.
In this first edition of “Surveys You should Know About” we highlight a group of 5-10 minute surveys that are all closing by the end of September. We know your time is valuable. Please assist us and lend your voice to the community by participating.
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