Manage high-throughput drug screening, hit selection and quality control with real-time pharmaceutical analytics.

As high-throughput screening becomes increasingly crucial to efficient drug discovery, your team needs a tool to see and understand the results of an assay. Tableau can visualize assay output and result distribution in real-time, allowing your team to spend more time asking questions about clinical effectiveness and less time trying to make sense of thousands of rows of data. By visualizing the data, your team can identify and explore HTS hits immediately.

Tableau pharmaceutical analytics dashboards give assay quality control an at-a-glance solution, showing your team the z-primes of each plate and each test run, so they can quickly spot assay qualities below excellent.

This live app demonstrates how one pharmaceutical team uses Tableau to monitor the results of their HTS drug discovery work. First, the team can view the result distribution and plate view, including key metrics. Next, the app walks the user through the process of mapping well index against percent inhibition and identify hits. Finally, the user is prompted to review z-primes to confirm assay quality.