온디맨드 웨비나

Fortinet's Journey on Data

Fortinet secures the largest enterprises, service providers, and government organisations around the world with cybersecurity software.

Find out in this webinar how Fortinet have built a data-driven sales operations team using the visual analytics power of Tableau. After struggling with IT owning the operating and reporting of data which led to silos within the business, you'll discover exactly how Fortinet centralised all of their data and reporting, empowering their sales team with powerful data insights.

You'll learn how Fortinet:

  • Implemented Tableau in their sales department
  • Eliminated manual tasks through live dashboards
  • Centralised data and reports with Tableau server

발표자 소개


Enzo Fullone

Sales Operations Program Manager - Fortinet

동영상 다운로드 링크


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