
The Simple Data Strategy that Helped LinkedIn Boost Business-Services Revenue by 85%

Since its launch in 2003, LinkedIn has become the world’s largest professional networking platform, and now offers a range of business-oriented services. As one of the Web’s modern-day giants, LinkedIn has access to extensive data on its users and prospects—but wanted to up the ante for business-to-business (B2B) sales by using data even more.

The result was a simple data strategy that helped LinkedIn boost business-services revenue by 85% year over year. And a key component of that strategy was a new, wildly simple sales analytics platform that LinkedIn built with Tableau.

Read this whitepaper to find out:

  • The 3 simple values that influenced LinkedIn’s data strategy from the start.
  • How data from multiple sources helps LinkedIn prioritize which leads to pursue.
  • The amount of savings that the company experienced by putting intuitive data in the hands of its salespeople.
  • What Event-Based Account Management (eBAM) is, and how it improved conversion rates and ROI in the LinkedIn’s B2B sector.