
Welches Diagramm ist das Richtige für Sie?

Malia Hardin, Senior Product Marketing Manager
Ross Perez, Sr. Product Marketing Manager, Tableau Software
Daniel Hom, Product Marketing Specialist, Tableau Software
Lori Williams, Data Analyst at Tableau Software

Sie haben Daten und Fragen. Aber welche Diagrammarten bringen Sie zu Ihrem Ziel?

Dieses Whitepaper beschreibt dreizehn Diagrammarten und veranschaulicht, wofür sich die einzelnen Diagramme eignen. Außerdem erhalten Sie zahlreiche Tipps zur effektiven visuellen Darstellung Ihrer Daten. Aber es erwartet Sie noch mehr.

Nachdem Sie ein geeignetes Diagramm für die Beantwortung Ihrer anfänglichen Frage ermittelt haben, geht es weiter. Dank interaktiver Datenvisualisierungen können Sie Fragen im Handumdrehen stellen und beantworten. Die Kombination der interaktiven Diagramme in einem Dashboard maximiert die Aussagekraft Ihrer Daten. Bei jeder aufgeführten Diagrammart können Sie die Auswirkungen der direkten Interaktion mit diesen Daten durch Auswahl eines Bildes feststellen.

Folgende Diagramme werden in diesem Whitepaper beschrieben:

  1. Balken
  2. Linie
  3. Kreisdiagramm
  4. Karte
  5. Streudiagramm
  6. Gantt
  7. Blasendiagramm
  8. Histogramm
  9. Bullet-Diagramm
  10. Heatmap
  11. Hervorhebungstabelle
  12. Baumkarte
  13. Box-Whisker-Plot

Beginnen Sie mit der Erstellung des optimalen Diagramms für Ihre Datentypen und anstehenden Fragen. Sie werden schnell feststellen, dass nicht nur Ihre anfänglichen Fragen beantwortet werden, sondern dass Sie erstaunliche Erkenntnisse mit Ihren Daten vermitteln können.

About the authors


Malia Hardin

Senior Product Marketing Manager

Malia spends her time at Tableau focused on content marketing that highlights how customers use Tableau to impact their organizations. Before joining Tableau, Malia led product marketing for IBM's data integration, data quality, and master data management products then developed growth plans for emerging market countries. She's also worked in venture capital, consulting, and investment banking. Malia earned her M.B.A. at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business and her B.A. at Wellesley College. @maliahardin


Ross Perez

Sr. Product Marketing Manager, Tableau Software

Ross Perez is a Sr. Product Marketing Manager at Tableau Software. His job is to market and promote Tableau's cloud technology partners. A large part of his role involves using Tableau’s business intelligence software to help identify new ways that Tableau's customers can take advantage of the technologies that Tableau integrates with. He has been able to speak about topics related to big data, cloud analytics, visualization and visual best practices at SXSW, Techweek, O’Reilly Strata, Google Gauge and the Tableau Customer Conference. Ross is also the Chairman of the Iron Viz Championship, a visualization competition held at the Tableau Conference every year.


Daniel Hom

Product Marketing Specialist, Tableau Software

Dan leads product marketing for Tableau’s business products, new product experience and online training. He has a certificate in data science and often speaks about how Tableau is advancing the world of data analytics. Dan has a multimedia journalism background and has worked at the Financial Times and Northwestern University’s Medill News Service, as well as working with Tableau Public to build interactive data visualizations for major news publications including the Wall Street Journal, Fortune, Forbes and more.


Lori Williams

Data Analyst at Tableau Software

If a viz falls onto the web and no one sees it, did it happen? Lori likes data visualizations, but she likes them best when they get seen and used. She is happiest vizing away on Tableau Public and helping others become killer analysts. Lori’s visualizations have appeared in the Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Guardian Data Blog and Mashable. Lori earned a Ph.D. in Epidemiology at the University of Washington, a Master’s in Public Health from the University of Illinois at Chicago, and B.A. in Biology at Northwestern University. @VisualLori