Future of Reporting

Robert Tischler, Senior Analyst, Managing Director BARC Austria

Only a minority of companies say they have a modern reporting landscape and regularly base decisions on data. In fact, most companies struggle with data-related problems, organizational issues or outdated BI and analytics infrastructures which ignore more recent usage scenarios such as explorative analytics on big data sources. These problems become even more obvious when contrasted with modern infrastructures built in the cloud and micro services as well as the challenges caused by exploding data volume and variety.

Finally, the highest pressure evolves from competition. Companies must react quicker than ever to changing demands from their customers to keep pace with their competition. The time has come to modernize today’s reporting landscapes and base decisions on information rather than gut-feeling – the legacy of the past must be overcome to reach the future of reporting.

Data Analytics - Future of Reporting

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Robert Tischler

Senior Analyst, Managing Director BARC Austria

Robert Tischler is managing director and senior analyst at the Business Application Research Centre (BARC) Austria. His speciality areas are analytics and business intelligence front ends and process oriented BI applications. He supports companies in the software selection process, during the introductory phase and with reviews to optimise architecture and organisation. Robert Tischler has many years of experience as a project manager of BI projects, hands-on expertise with many BI tools on the front-end, as well as in the back-end, designing, coaching and implementing reporting, analysis and planning solutions with a focus on self-service analytics and BI, information design and advanced planning.