온디맨드 웨비나

How to Choose The Best Visualisation for You

There are many ways to visualise your data in Tableau. But which charts, graphs, and maps can best answer your data questions?

Join this live webinar with our Tableau Visionary to discover the secret system that will transform your analysis from good to great using the very best visualisations for you. 

From bar charts to scatter plots, you'll learn which visualisations are most appropriate for different  data types, different data goals, and different audiences—helping you expertly communicate insights that drive business outcomes.

Register now to discover:

  • Why some visualisations are better at answering business questions
  • How to visualise data for your specific audience
  • Which chart, graph, or map is best for you

발표자 소개


Judit Bekker

Tableau Visionary and Data Visualisation Expert at Jimdo

Judit Bekker is a Data Visualization Designer from Budapest who loves beautiful things. She believes even small data can have a big impact, that people can only grow by elevating others, and that you don't need to be the best in everything to be the best in something.

Judit is obsessed with arts and design, fonts, books, movies, cycling, plants, food, and so much more. It's safe to say there is more she's passionate about than she isn't.

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