온디맨드 웨비나

Session 2: Dashboard eye-tracking research

What elements in a dashboard subconsciously catch your eye? And how can you make sure that end users glean the most important information quickly and efficiently? Tableau has conducted several eye tracking studies to better understand exactly what happens when people encounter a dashboard for the first time.

Join Amy Alberts of the Tableau User Research Team and Andy Cotgreave as they:

  • Discuss how design elements affect where people look on dashboards
  • Share the exciting eye-tracking data collected over the years (and some of the eye-opening history that will make you glad to live in the 21st century)
  • Distill their findings into design tips that will help you make more effective dashboards

발표자 소개


Amy Alberts

Manager, User Research, Tableau

Amy manages the user research team in Tableau Development. She and her team do research about Tableau customers, to better understand customer needs and how best to help them do their jobs. Amy is a cognitive psychologist with expertise in human memory, human-computer interaction, qualitative and quantitative research methodologies, and eye tracking.

Andy Cotgreave

Andy Cotgreave

Senior Technical Evangelist, Tableau at Salesforce

Andy Cotgreave is co-author of The Big Book of Dashboards, and Technical Evangelist at Tableau. He is the host of If Data Could Talk, co-host of Chart Chat and columnist for Information Age. He has over 15 years’ experience in data visualisation and business intelligence, first honing his skills as an analyst at the University of Oxford.  Andy helps customers, media and analysts across all industries see and understand their data. He has inspired thousands of people with technical advice and ideas on how to identify trends in visual analytics and develop their own data-discovery skills.

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