Tableau Public Portfolios, Viral Data Visualizations, and more during TC22.
We're just days away from the start of TC22. Whether you’re heading to Vegas or tuning in from your computer, we hope that you can join one or more of the informative sessions featuring Tableau Public authors. The goal of these sessions is to provide helpful tips to build your data visualization portfolio, grow your data skills, and learn from the DataFam.
Tableau Public sessions at virtual TC22
Bring the Wow Factor with Tableau Public Portfolios
- May 17 at 1:30PM - 2:00PM PT - First Broadcast: Americas
- May 17 at 10:30PM - 11:00PM - Second Broadcast: Asia-Pacific
- May 18 at 5:30AM - 6:00AM PT - Final Broadcast: Europe, Middle East, and Africa
A compelling Tableau Public portfolio can help you stand out, showcase your data expertise, and even get hired. Get the tools to effectively use Tableau Public templates and build a Tableau Public portfolio with a serious "wow" factor.
Register here (You must be signed in to view. Not registered for TC22 yet? Sign up for free here.)
- May 18 2:45PM - 3:15PM PT - First Broadcast: Americas
- May 18 11:45PM - 12:15AM PT - Second Broadcast: Asia-Pacific
- May 19 at 6:45AM - 7:15AM PT - Final Broadcast: Europe, Middle East, and Africa
What does it take to build a viral viz? Hear from the Tableau Public authors behind some of your favorite Viz of the Day dashboards on their design approach and process. The next viral viz just might be yours.

Data Visualization Specialist, USAID Data Services at DevTech Systems Inc.

Data visualization designer, self-employed
Register here (You must be signed in to view. Not registered for TC22 yet? Sign up for free here.)
Tableau Public sessions at TC22 in person
Tableau Public Portfolios: Discover the Wow Factor
May 18 4:00PM - 4:45PM PT - Mandalay Bay Resort, Mandalay Bay E
Gather insights on how to effectively leverage Tableau Public templates and build a Tableau Public Portfolio with a "wow" factor.

Chantilly Jaggernauth (She/Her)
VP, Data Visualization and Training, Lovelytics

Lead Analyst, Total Rewards Data Services, Comcast
Learn more (Note: You must be registered for in-person TC22 to view.)
More Viral Vizzing Fun
May 19 11:00AM - 11:45AM PT - Mandalay Bay Resort, Oceanside C
What does it take to build a viral viz? Hear from the Tableau Public authors behind some of your favorite Viz of the Day dashboards on their design approach and process. The next viral viz just might be yours!

Data Analyst Consultant, Information Lab

Senior Adviser, Research and Innovation, Association for Prevention of Torture (APT)
Learn more (Note: You must be registered for in-person TC22 to view.)
Check out our session program where you’ll find a whole lot of sessions and the most up-to-date agenda. Be sure to add them to your My TC22 schedule before they fill up. Haven’t registered? No problem. Registration is still opened, and 100% for virtual attendees. And remember you can connect and share with the DataFam using the official conference hashtag, #Data22, to share all your TC22 moments!
PS. If you're tuning in virtually, check out this dashboard by Dzifa Amexo to see all the TC22 Virtual Remo Event Hangouts and sign up for one (or more) to connect virtually with the Tableau Community.
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