DataFam Roundup: August 7–11, 2023

A weekly blog that brings together what’s trending in the Tableau Community all in one post.

Welcome! Dig into this week's DataFam Roundup—a weekly blog that brings together community content all in one post. As always, we invite you to send us your content—and the DataFam content from your peers that have inspired you! Find the content submission form here.

Community Highlight

To recognize new and consistent Tableau contributors—we’re excited to have a section within the weekly DataFam Roundup called the Tableau Community Highlight. Find out how to get involved. 

Sarah Pallett

Sarah Pallett, Analytics Consultant
Los Angeles, USA

Sarah Pallett is an Analytics Consultant, her work focuses on building interactive dashboards to help organizations access and analyze their data. Sarah publishes content on her blog and Tableau Public and also participates in community projects including #MakeoverMonday and #WorkoutWednesday. 

After publishing her popular “Pop Culture References in Ted Lasso” viz, Sarah encountered the perfect opportunity to begin her blog. Her goal in writing her first post was to describe her process and express gratitude to the Tableau Community for the inspiration and all the techniques and workbooks she got to explore via blogs and Tableau Public. Sarah’s focus now on her blog is to share the “inside scoop” behind how she builds particular vizzes and the vision behind them. 

As an active creator on Tableau Public, Sarah draws inspiration from her love of sports journalism for many of her vizzes. Sports related news articles that peak her curiosity encourage a deeper dive into the subject area from which she begins building out datasets to answer her key questions. An example of this inspiration is in her NHL Ovechkin vs Gretzky viz

Connect with Sarah on Linkedin, Twitter, Tableau Public, and on her blog

DataFam content 

Dive into content created by the Tableau Community: 

Annabelle Rincon, Rativiz: Is your community blooming

Team Tableau


Upcoming events and community participation


Anastasiia Kuznetsova: How to place legends to charts?

See the latest Viz of the Day, trending vizzes, featured authors, and more on Tableau Public.

Check out some inspirational vizzes created by the community:

Community Projects

Back 2 Viz Basics 

A bi-weekly project helping those who are newer in the community and just starting out with Tableau. Not limited just to newbies!
Web: Back 2 Viz Basics
Twitter: #B2VB
Week 15: Dynamic Formatting


Workout Wednesday

Build your skills with a weekly challenge to re-create an interactive data visualization. 
Web: Workout Wednesday
Twitter: #WOW2022
Week 32: Can you show all values when filtering?


Makeover Monday

A weekly social data project. 
Web: Makeover Monday
Twitter: #MakeoverMonday
Week 32: Maven Family Leave Challenge


Preppin' Data

A weekly challenge to help you learn to prepare data and use Tableau Prep. 
Web: Preppin’ Data
Twitter: #PreppinData
Week 32: HR Month - Reshaping Generations


DataFam Con 

A monthly challenge covering pop culture and fandoms. 
Web: DataFam Con
Twitter: #DataFamCon
April 2023: Kids Month!



A monthly project connecting real education data with real people.
Web: Eduvizzers
August 2023: Data Analytics Programs in the U.S.


Games Night Viz 

A monthly project focusing on using data from your favorite games.
Web: Games Nights Viz
Twitter: #GamesNightViz
Season 2: Exploding Hungry Pie-Charts


Iron Quest

Practice data sourcing, preparation, and visualization skills in a themed monthly challenge. 
Web: Iron Quest
Twitter: #IronQuest
Advanced Chart Types


Storytelling with Data

Practice data visualization and storytelling skills by participating in monthly challenges and exercises. 
Web: Storytelling with Data
Twitter: #SWDChallenge
August 2023: what does your audience know?


Project Health Viz

Uncover new stories by visualizing healthcare data sets provided each month. 
Web: Project Health Viz
Twitter: #ProjectHealthViz
June 2023: Funding for Research for Various Conditions and Diseases 


Diversity in Data

An initiative centered around diversity, equity & awareness by visualizing provided datasets each month. 
Web: Diversity in Data
Twitter: #DiversityinData
May 2023: Mental Health Awareness Month and LGBTQ+ Representation in film


Sports Viz Sunday

Create and share data visualizations using rich, sports-themed data sets in a monthly challenge. 
Web: Sports Viz Sunday
Twitter: #SportsVizSunday
January 2023: Is it a Sport or a Game?


Viz for Social Good

Volunteer to design data visualizations that help nonprofits harness the power of data for social change.
Web: Viz for Social Good
Twitter: #VizforSocialGood
June 9 - July 18, 2023: Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund


Real World Fake Data

Create business dashboards using provided data sets for various industries and departments.
Web: Real World Fake Data
Twitter: #RWFD
Session 5: Diversity Score Card


Data Plus Music 

A monthly project visualizing the data behind the music we love!
Web: Data Plus Music
Twitter: #DataPlusMusic