
The Power of Embedded Analytics

As we saw in our introductory webinar, embedded analytics is a powerful tool that you can leverage in many different ways. Nevertheless, you are now most likely wondering what is the best way - for you - to implement embedded analytics.

In this webinar, our experts will show you the different possibilities. From data monetization to web portals to software integration, find out how you can add embedded analytics to your business model and operations.

By the end of this webinar, you'll be armed with all the tools you need to determine how best to leverage embedded analytics.

What to expect?

Optimize your solutions

Embed Tableau in your applications and solutions to bring your data to life

Analytics as a service

Monetize your data as a single, interactive analytics offering

Simplified external sharing

Deliver secure, impactful analytics to your customers and partners


If you are wondering if you should create your own Embedded Analytics solution or not, you might want to also check out our Build vs Buy webinar.

Über den Referenten


Tim Payne

Lead Solution Engineer - Tableau

Tim is a lead solutions engineer at Tableau based in our London office. He is an expert at helping people and organisations see and understand data.

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