After all the hype over the last few years, the verdict is in:
Big data is over.
With Medium Data, you have enough information to keep your boss happy while you get back to Facebook.
Come on over to Medium Data.
We’ll meet you in the middle.
What Can You Do with Medium Data?
Anything you want—within reason, of course.
See. Use the power of visual analysis to see peaks and valleys. And then avoid them. Have you ever climbed a hill? It's exhausting.
Analyze. Create simple calculations to help you dial into the average. Forget “a-ha!” moments. “Oh, ok” will do just fine, thank you!
Communicate. From the Midwest, to the Middle East or Middle Earth*, Medium Data does a perfectly good job conveying insights.
*Assuming browser availability in Mordor, etc.
Aim for the middle, end up on top
Let's face it, Big Data is a ton of work. You slave away for hours shaping and molding your data only to eventually create an analysis, make a finding and have to analyze more. Tableau has a different solution.
First, keep your datasets in check: don't be afraid to lop off those superfluous rows. You can't agonize over what doesn't exist. You'll also want to try to keep your visualizations as mundane as possible. Yes, you can create thousands of different vizzes with Tableau at a click, but tame your enthusiasm. People will only ask you to make more vizzes. In summary, if you aim for the middle, you'll really end up on top.

Benefits at a Glance
Centered. Excellent results are great, but then people start expecting them. Who needs that kind of pressure?
Medium data keeps it mellow.
Lean In? You’ll probably just fall over.
Chill. Faster and bigger sounds great, but did you think about how that sort of thing is going to cut into your coffee break time?
Take your ambivalence to a new level. Or not. Whatever.
Courteous. From toddlers to Taylor Swift, “mean” has become an insult. It’s enough to make a statistician cry. No more. Take a stand.
It’s all good. Because it’s all Medium.
Why are you moving to #mediumdata?
Declare your freedom from the Big Data industrial complex! Tell us your favorite thing about #mediumdata on your preferred social channel.
You can also Download Tableau to try out Medium Data for yourself.