Journey Analytics:
Stake your claim to
data-driven insight

Giddy up Viz Trailblazing

Is your market a land grab?

Seeing wide open spaces where you could drive value, but your data insight is limited to blue-sky guesses?

Journey analytics is all about getting you where you need to go—alive.

Tell the world you're a data pioneer. Use #journeyanalytics to tag the people you’d like to bring on your analytics journey.

It is time to harness the power of data with your team... of oxen.


Watch this video to discover the modern frontier of data—Journey Analytics.

Analysts, business users, and aspiring homesteaders can now assess route risk, keep tabs on key metrics, and use real-time analytics to track everything from fuel supplies to team morale.

Stay in the flow with your data and enjoy a more pleasant journey from the Great Plains to the Great Pacific Northwest.

Journey Analytics has had a huge impact on my bottom line. There’s no other tool that provides this kind of real-time, real-trail analysis.

Tableau takes the guesswork
out of trailblazing

With Tableau, even first-time pioneers can harness the power of data.

This visualization shows the adventures of actual pioneer Elizabeth Gothard, a hardy traveler who recorded every minute detail of her journey on an ancient analog data storage device called "a journal."

Her rudimentary efforts have been painstakingly transcribed into this beautiful—and exceptionally useful—visualization.

Don't fall into the same trials and tribulations as Elizabeth. Use this viz to learn from her mistakes and blaze your own path—no switchbacks or extra rations required.

Play the classic Oregon Trail game online or download an Oregon Trail game app.